Act 34/2002, of 11 July on Information and Electronic Commerce Services

As required by current regulations and to discharge our duty to provide general information, the Fineco Group offers the information that GIIC FINECO SOCIEDAD GESTORA DE INSTITUCIONES DE INVERSIÓN COLECTIVA, S.A, a Collective Investment Institution Management Company with its registered office in Bilbao, at Calle Ercilla nº 24, 48011 Bilbao and subject to supervision and control by the National Securities Market Commission, was incorporated on 6 July 1990 and entered in the Companies Register of Bizkaia in volume BI-48, Folio 29, 1st entry with Tax Identification Number NIF A-48436463. It was entered in the Register of Collective Investment Institution Management Companies of the National Securities Market Commission on 16 August 1990 and with official registration number 132.

view "Activities programme"

FOGAIN (Investment Guarantee Fund)

GIIC Fineco S.G.I.I.C., S.A. is a member of FOGAIN (General Investment Guarantee Fund), set up by Royal Decree 948/2001 of 3 August. The aim of this Guarantee Fund is to provide clients of Investment Services Firms and clients with a signed contract for discretionary portfolio management by Collective Investment Institution Management Companies, with compensation cover in the event that one of these entities finds itself in a composition with creditors or declaration of insolvency situation. If one of these situations comes about and consequently a client cannot get cash and securities which s/he has entrusted to the entity returned or delivered to him or her, FOGAIN covers and compensates such clients up to a maximum amount of 100,000 euros.

House Rules of Conduct

GIIC Fineco S.G.I.I.C., S.A. has adopted the House Rules of Conduct of INVERCO (the Collective Investment and Pension Fund Institutions Association), with the aim of introducing diligence and transparency into our actions for our clients’ benefit, so that staff members look after clients' interests as carefully as they would their own, and follow the rules of conduct of the securities markets that apply to them. INVERCO's membership includes practically all Spanish Collective Investment Institutions (Investment Funds and Companies), Spanish Pension Funds, and foreign Collective Investment Institutions registered with the National Securities Market Commission so as to market their services in Spain.